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来源:工业技术创新 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-08-27

【摘要】:库玛·巴塔查雅(Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya):材料专家、英国华威大学制造工程学院创始人、院长,英国皇家勋爵、上议院议员,曾任多位英国首相的工业和科技顾问、南非及印度政府科技

库玛·巴塔查雅(Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya):材料专家、英国华威大学制造工程学院创始人、院长,英国皇家勋爵、上议院议员,曾任多位英国首相的工业和科技顾问、南非及印度政府科技顾问。2017年获中国政府友谊奖、北京市人民政府“长城友谊奖”。图为1982年巴塔查雅在北京留影。





In 1982, I Saw the Energy of Chinese Engineering

My very fi rst visit to China was in 1982, as part of a high-level British scientific and industrial mission to Beijing. I immediately saw on that fi rst visit that a great era of Chinese scienti fi c and technological advance was about to transform the world.

There was energy to Chinese engineering, a real passion for innovation, and a desire for the rapid improvement in industry and society that technical achievement could bring about. I decided to do all I could to support that transformation.

It was clear to me that a prosperous, innovative, technologically advanced China would not only lift living standards for Chinese citizens but would also mean more prosperity and faster global scientific advance for the rest of the world. It was also clear, back on that fi rst visit that China had engineering expertise which could lead to new insights and advances in collaboration with international scientists.

I was particularly impressed with the engineers working with the Ministry of Astronautics. That admiration led me to invite a select group of Chinese engineers to Britain to work with our Warwick Manufacturing Group engineers in 1985. It was a bold step for us both. Few technology partnerships existed between China and western universities in the 1980s. There was as much doubt as excitement over the journey we began together.

But together we helped apply computer aided design advances to support Chinese Astronautics. We learned from each other- and we both gained as a result. Since then, I’ve visited China more than thirty times, working alongside business, government and science leaders in Beijing, Guangzhou, Harbin,Shanghai and Wuhan. Every single visit, I’ve felt we’ve learned a little more from each other - and we’ve gained a lot as a result.

Our initial successes gave us the opportunity to work with SAFEA to offer advanced engineering education to more Chinese graduates and managers. More than twenty thousand Chinese students, workers and scientists have bene fi tted from WMG education programmes. I’m so thankful for the contribution of SAFEA - helping us reach out to new businesses and growing institutions. Without their participation, it would be so much harder to know who is looking for a partnership, or where innovative work is happening. After all, China is a daunting as it is populous, and there is so much possibility here that without a guide, it can overwhelm you!

Thanks to our work with SAFEA, we’ve built training and research partnerships with some of China’s most innovative businesses, including AVIC -the Aviation Industry Corporation,China Aerospace and BJAST - Beijing Academy of Science and Technology. In fact, we now work with around two hundred different Chinese companies.

Many of our scholars have reached senior positions in academia. Many others have built companies that have created jobs and prosperity, like Henry Tseng of Kingtronics and Dr Roy Chung of TTI. In future, I know there will be many more such successes. Perhaps the Chinese ability to think for the long term has driven this progress. It would have been easy to focus on immediate needs. But you cannot advance without strategy has delivered many times over. China’s Research and Development Budget is now larger than all of Europe’s.

The OECD says that China will soon be the world’s most signi ficant innovator. Again. Yet it would be a mistake to see China’s focus on technology in merely fi nancial terms. It is as much a product of a willingness to look outwards. To be open to other perspectives. To value the insights outsiders can offer. From that choice came Chinese designed products as technically sophisticated as AVIC’s new J-31 Gyrfalcon fi fth-generation stealth fi ghter. From that choice came Zhongguancun’s leaders in world computing, such as Lenovo and Langsoon.

文章来源:《工业技术创新》 网址: http://www.gyjscxzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0827/650.html


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